
Showing posts from July, 2012

Frailty of Life

Almost a week ago, the unthinkable happened in Aurora, Colorado. During the midnight showing of the highly anticipated conclusion to the Batman trilogy The Dark Knight Rises,  an armed gunman opened fire to unsuspecting crowd. It is the worst mass shooting in  US History . 12 people were killed and another 58 were wounded. I remember when I woke up Friday morning. I was thinking about what day would be best to see The Dark Knight Rises . To say I was looking forward to the film would be an understatement. When my twin sister told me  the unfathomable, I was in complete shock. Movies have always been my comfort from the storm and the movie theaters have been my sanctuary. For a place that is so sacred to me to be attacked, shook my core. If I can't be safe going to the movies, I can't be safe anywhere. It is just a reminder that life is fragile and tomorrow is not promised to no one. One thing that irked me during the news coverage of the shooting, was the commentary from vi

Frank Ocean: Bad Religion

STOP WHATEVER YOU ARE DOING! Take a few minutes to listen to this incredible performance by Frank Ocean. Mark my words, he is already in the running for Best New Artist for the Grammys next year.   Frank Ocean: Bad Religion

The Absurdity of Being a Fangirl

The time has finally arrived for me to post my first videolog. It has long been overdue but I am excited to share it with y'all. Before you watch the video I have a confession to make, I am a fangirl. Now that is off my chest I can explain to y'all what possessed me do this video. For a long time I thought I was the only one who had these all consuming feelings for fictional characters. When I discovered Tumblr last year, I realized that not only was I not alone but there were hundreds of people who were more crazed than I was. It was a refreshing feeling. I have decided to do a video about the dilemmas that happens when you are a fangirl. It is a bit tongue in cheek. Below you will find terms that I will be using in the video. These are terms that average person will not understand, so I have created a little cheat sheet for y'all. Let me know what you think about my video log. If you like it there is a good chance that this will be the first of many. Fangirl: Is a femal