Oh Music
I am in my room in my spankin new apartment listening to some music. I just love music, the way it can make me feel just about anything. I could be sitting down deep in thought about some global issue when a sensation strikes my toe. Before I know it I am spinning around my room waving my hands in the air as the words of the song escape my mouth. I can be driven to tears by the lyrics of a song, my tears could be removed by smile, music can just alter things for me. Right now I am in love with a lot of British acts. I really want to get Adele CD 19. I have heard it and its fantastic. Trying to decide how I am going to get it. I am either going to buy it on itunes or half. com or have a friend send it to me. To get a feel for how great Adele is check out "Crazy For You". I also love James Morrison. Seriously I was not complete until i heard The Pieces Don't Fit Anymore. He is amazing but has not really taken off in the United States. I should start campaigning for him. D