Post Racial Era
I had every intention of writing a cutsie blog post probably about something frivolous but something caught my attention. While browsing through I came across a post about cop brutality in Seattle. I have included the video below because I believe everyone should get a chance to view it and make up their minds before reading my opinions. Personally, this video left a bad taste in my mouth. The victim might be charged with resisting arrest but clearly the cop was in the wrong here. There is always a way to handle a situation without resulting in violence. Who would think that you could get beaten up for jaywalking. Its obvious to me that the girls in this video are minors. They should be worried about where they are going to college not about who is going to pay their parole. This video got me thinking about the myth of post racial America. Everywhere I turn I hear people frantically discussing this myth, its gotten to the point where a lot of them believe in a post raci