
Showing posts from September, 2010

It's Not About Being Tolerated

When I was eight years old I was a victim of bullying. It was an experience that has shaped the person I am today, for better or worse. Today I do not remember much of the details of the attacks, I just remember the emotions I experienced during them. Being bullied can be a traumatic experience. Most adults think it is just harmless teasing and that there will be no serious damage. That is where the problem lies, that people in general do not take bullying seriously and most do not intervene. I am not sure if it is becoming an epidemic but lately there have been numerous youth suicides in result to bullying. Most of the reported cases have been LGBT related. Just this month four teenagers have committed suicide over bullying. Last week a Rutgers Freshmen by the name of Tyler Clementi jumped off the George Washington Bridge because he was being harassed by his roommate. His roommate had to audacity to record Tyler being intimate with another man. I can only imagine how violated and humi

Unemployed in Greenland

I didn't plan this. I sure as hell didn't expect this. But here I am, 23 years old and unemployed in Greenland (anyone who has seen Princess Bride understands that expression). Four years ago I had this grand master plan. Get my B.A in Psychology and immediately follow it with a Masters in Marriage and Family Counseling. Once I was a certified Marriage and Family Therapist I had obtained my goal. That was the plan. Unfortunately life never goes according to plan.Somehow during the eve of my graduation their was a global recession. People were losing jobs left and right. Suddenly having a college degree was not a guarantee that you would find a good job. You needed experience if a company was going to gamble on you. The problem was not everyone was willing to offer you that experience. Talk about a double edged sword. Global recession was only part of the reason I found myself debarked in unemployed in Greenland .During my sophomore year of college I realized that marriage and f


There comes a point in girl's life when she has to make an important decision. Does she follow her heart and go with the road less traveled or does she take the path that has been paved for her? Her heart wants to go down the road full of ups and down,twists and turns. A road full of uncertainty, doubt and darkness. She believes that once she has taken this path it would lead to an adventure she was born to have. But she is frighten because it would not be an easy journey to take. She steps back and begins to follow her head leading her to a path of familiarity and certainty. She knows what the journey will be like and its an easier and safer journey. Is that what she wants? The life that so many others have lived? A life that is expected of her? Does she go the conventional route or does she go for the nontraditional? Is there a road that meets somewhere in the middle? Where she can follow her heart and listen to her head. Defeated she throws down the towel and follows her heart,

Lovely Day

Sailing Away On Saturday, I got to walk around West Harlem Piers Park. It was a lovely day and took some photographs. Which was great feeling because I have not really been taking photographs recently. View of Downtown

Oh True Blood

So this past Sunday marked the end of season 3 of True Blood . I am a little sad that one of my favorite shows on TV has come to a close but also a little bit disappointed. The third season of True Blood did not live up to its predecessors. The first season was excellent and the second season was like crack(Krispy Kreme crack, that good). The beginning of this season was a little slow but midway through True Blood was turning into one hour of pure delight. Then the finale came and it was a bust. Nothing really happened during this finale. I have faith in Alan Ball that things will pick back up next season. You got to have faith in the genius behind Six Feet Under (The best show that was ever on Television aka my new obsession). The best things about this season have been the relationship between Hoyt and Jessica ( so sweet it makes my teeth hurt), Franklin with his crazy ass and Russell (absolute joy to watch). I did enjoy the werewolves this season, Debbie and Coot were a hoot. For

Mama Earth

There are an estimated 6.8 billion people on this lovely planet of ours. Yet we seem to do our darndest to destroy our beautiful mama . It took me awhile to write about my feelings about the Oil spill that took place in April. There were so many thoughts that were floating around. Now that there was another oil rig in the Gulf today , I am left with only one thought-enough is enough! We got to do better. We got to be using our best brains to develop a way that renewable energy can be affordable to the everybody. We owe it to ourselves, future generations and our beautiful Mama Earth .