
Showing posts from September, 2012

The M-E

Last night was the big night here in America. I am talking about the big game. When you bring out your favorite t shirts to root for your favorite teams. Yes, last night was the 64th Primetime Emmy Awards. Oh, you thought I was talking about American Football. Don't be silly! What do I know about NFL anyways? Besides the fact that New England Patriots  lost last night to the Baltimore Ravens . Then earlier in the day Philadelphia Eagle s lost to the Arizona Cardinals . Looks like it is going to be one heck of a season. There were similar upsets last night during the Emmys. All of last week I was anticipating the red carpet, the acceptance speeches and the rest of the circus that is an award show. I had my favorites picked out and I was waiting to see if my predictions were accurate. Below is my breakdown of the main event.

What in the World is Happening?

In June I wrote a post entitled What's Happening? After a popular response, I have decided to create a second post about global affairs. There is a lot that is going on in the world. Here is a list of breaking news that caught my attention. If you know of anymore information please do not hesitate to share. I will be reporting from a neutral basis. If you have any opinion about my findings, once again do not hesitate to share. Africa South African miners of Lomin platinum mine are set to resume work on Thursday after accepting a raise of 22%. This will conclude five week long bloody strike that left a reported 34 miners dead. These miners were killed during a police crackdown that took place last month.  World Health Organization (WHO) warns of a possible spread of Ebola virus to major towns in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Already the contiguous virus has killed 31 people in the country this past month. WHO believe that this outbreak is not related to last month's

Rose's Adventures in the City of Brotherly Love

I live about 45 minutes from Philadelphia and not until this past weekend did I pay a little visit to the city of brotherly love. I have been to Philly before but  it was years ago during the dead of winter and i was not really in an exploratory mood. This time my twin sister and I came to participate in the Live Arts Festival + Philly Fringe . After doing a little research we settled on seeing the University of the Arts production of The Walls by Lisa Dillman. What a spectacular play! From start to finish I was moved by the performances. Sometimes I forget how much I love watching a live performance.  If you are in the Philly area I strongly suggest you check out this play or any other play that is participating in this festival.   Prior to catching the evening showing of T he Walls my sister and I ate lunch at Estia. Estia is a lovely Greek restaurant located in the heart of the city. The food was absolutely divine. Right below I have tons of pictures of food porn that will

How to Survive a Horror Movie

Have you ever cursed out a character in a horror movie? If you have, I ensure you that you are not alone. I am not too sure what studies suggest but the percentage of people who have shouted out directions during a horror movie is quite high. I have taken it upon myself to write a survival guide to a horror movie. If you ever find yourself in a horror movie situation, follow these simple steps.