Ten Fun Facts About Me

1. I am a Feminist
My feminist voice is like a butterfly coming out of its cocoon. It is not strong enough to fly away but it does not stop it from being beautiful. I do not believe in the bull crap that is gender roles or there being specific colors assigned to genders. There are some people who are strong and some people who are emotionally vapid but it has nothing to do with their biological sex. People are socialized to fit neatly into gender roles and I for one am trying to fight against it. I am a strong girl and I felt overly masculine as a child for it. Why does having the ability to lift heavy objects have to be considered a masculine quality. I hate heels but I love to get dolled up. Growing up my favorite color was pink and I loved my horror movies. I was not one of the boys, I was one of the girls who could kick anyone's ass during tug of war. Just because I am a feminist does not mean that i am a bra burning men bashing hairy lesbian. For one thing, I love my men, a little afraid of fire, I use my razor occasionally and i do not like to box my sexuality as gay, straight or bisexual. If I had to choose, I would say that I am straight.

2. I am obsessed with America's Next Top Model
I have always loved this show but every year I go through obsessions. Since September of 2008, I have been suffering from an America's Next Top Model obsession. I do have marathons on Youtube weekly. I have done season 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 marathons. It does not give me much of a life I admit. I have always struggled with the fact that I do not know what most of the alums have done since the show. Here comes All Antm and Top model gossip to my rescue. I now know all the print work and runway that my favorite contestants have done since their run on ANTM. My favorite winner is Danielle(season 6) and my all time favorite contestant is Marjorie( cycle 11). I have a thing for my awkward but amazing models, Michelle(cycle 4), Amanda(cycle 7), Brittany(cycle 8), Heather(cycle 9), Lauren(cycle 10)and Lauren Brie(cycle 11). My favorite cycle has to be cycle 6 but cycle 10 was equally as good. I am excited about cycle 12 and hoping it is better than cycle 11, no more kicking out my favorite girls like they did with Marjorie.

3. I am a Movie Buff
I love movies! Movies have been apart of my since I was a little girl. I admit that I did live in the clouds a bit because of my love for storytelling but movies were everything. I admit that recently I have not been excited about mainstream movies that have been doing the same old thing. There have been some great surprises like The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, what a movie. It had so many elements of old filmmaker, the reason why I used to love cinema in the first place. I recommend that you check the movie out. I have been watching more independent films because the character development and plot are usually better. As a new feminist I would say that independent films are more likely to portray female characters as subjects as oppose to objects(you know the girlfriend, wife or the hot chick). I am dying to see Slumdog Millionaire.

4. I love Cable TV
I have become frustrated with prime time television. There seems to be nothing good anymore besides Ugly Betty( if it gets canceled i am boycotting ABC) and Desperate Housewives( which is doing some pretty amazing stuff). Cable is were it is at particularly with Showtime and HBO. True Blood has to be one of the best TV shows to come out in a long time. It is amazing and I suggest that you get on the train before the new season starts. Dexter is the best show on TV right now, everything about the show is amazing, the acting, the casting and the writing. It is great to see a racially diverse cast coming from the era of Friends. I just got into the United States of Tara( i admit the second episode was not as good as the pilot which was phenomenal. High props for Diablo Cody showing Marshall already comfortable with his sexuality at age 14. The Tudors is fantastic but I find myself wanting to kill the lead character and his anti- feminist ways. You kill your wife because you think she is having an affair while you have slept with the whole village. JACKASS!

5. Some may call me an angry black woman, I just say I am passionate

Since I came to a predominately white school I have become aware of race relations. I am proud to be a female but not just any female a black woman. When I was younger I admit that I did not have a strong black voice, I had all these ideas of what it meant to be beautiful and worthwhile, most of them did not relate to who I was. Prior to attending school in the United States I thought racism was a foreign myth. I did not understand why Black Americans seemed to have so much hatred in their hearts. I just was all Kumbaya! I soon realized that is still a lot of racial tension going on and people are judging me based on my skin color. So I began to voice my frustrations but was afraid to be seen as the Angry Black Women. I have recently come to discover the reason why black women are labeled angry is because they do not fit within the social context of how a woman should act. I am not an angry person, I am just a passionate individual and I will speak up if I feel it is necessary. I am not afraid to get angry, sometimes that is the only way to speak to people. Excuse my french but people can go fuck themselves if they think getting angry is unladylike.

6. I call out Bullshit when i see it

Do you want to know what is high on my bullshit monitor? The new movie He's Just Not That Into You. This movie is suppose to be a guide to all women about relationships, all women, I do not see all women represented in the film. Where are the different body types? Where are the different racial and ethnic minorities? If Tyler Perry made this movie people will complain because it would be a black cast. Well i am complaining and calling you( the studio) out on your bullshit. This is a white movie,
it is not a guide to all women. Not to mention in the trailer my racist detector went off with the casting of two larger set females being the punch line and not the subject matters. It baffles my mind that movies like this are still made, creating a world where women are obsessing over their relationships and men are portrayed as insensitive assholes. People you are creating dichotomies. Enough of the rant.

7. I am a blossoming Photographer
I go around my campus through the lens of a camera. I am not always taking pictures but I am thinking about what would be a beautiful picture. I have gotten a knack for nature but I would love to take pictures of people. I admire anyone who is a professional photography.

8. I love to write poetry

In school I did not like all the rules that went along with poetry, it took the fun out of it for me. I discovered slam poetry and have been writing ever since. There are some poems that I think I really good and have been influenced by my muse or difficult time in my life. Hopefully I will have the courage to submit my poetry to something.

9. I dream of creating a production company that creates great roles for women and other underrepresented minorities

I admit that recently there seems to be amazing roles created for females, take a look at the actresses who were nominated for Oscars this year but there still could be more. What about movies or television shows that celebrate sisterhood instead glorifying girl fighting. I still believe that Black actors are underrepresented in Hollywood. The movies with predominately black cast do not get taken seriously by critics. Tyler Perry has made some great movies and some questionable ones but what he is doing is brilliant. I would love to be a sort of younger Tyler Perry meets Spike Lee. Spike Lee made some groundbreaking work when he stepped in the scene but everyone says he hates white people. What is that all about? I have stated before one of storylines that changed how I thought about love was John Paul and Craig on Hollyoaks. I think what got me about this storyline was that it was not suppose to be a gay storyline but a love story. It was more realistic and heartbreaking than anything I had seen before. There needs to be better love stories that go beyond the surface level especially regarding those that do not follow the heterosexual script.

10. I love to travel

I am not a big fan of airports but the plane ride is enjoyable. I love going around different cultures and dream of seeing the entire world. I have been to Europe, Africa, Australia and North America so far. I loved my trips Australia, Malta, Mozambique and Swaziland the most.


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