The Little Things

It is the little things that get to me
The little things that stop me dead in my tracks
Causing my spirit to rupture from my body.

I remember the little things
How the sun could trace the hazel in your eyes
How the wind could capture the scent of your cologne
Causing my nose to tremble
I remember how you would hold me after a bad day
Washing away all of my troubles
With each soothing touch.

It just the little things I remember
Like the warmth of your smile
The life in your laugh
Its just the little things that keep me up at night
Wondering who's receiving your encouraging words
Or your loving touch
Who's waking up to the sounds of you
Humming in the kitchen.

It's the little things i miss
Blueberry muffins on the kitchen top
Chicken soup on a rainy day
Bottle of champagne on days we needed to be reminded
That we were alive.

But it is days like this I miss you the most
The days when the skies are blue
And the rays of the sun caress my soul.

On these days we would sit in silence
With only our feet touching
I would look up from my notepad
And you would glance from your newspaper
No words were ever uttered
At that moment I knew
I wanted to sit in silence with you for eternity.

So it is days like this i miss you the most
Remembering all the little things
Wondering how it all went to shit.


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