It's a Big F@#$ing Deal!

Just moments ago President Obama became the first seating president to publicly endorse same-sex marriage. In the words of Vice President Joe Biden this is a big f@#$ing deal! Unless you are living under a rock, everyone is aware that the topic of same-sex marriage is hot button in the United States. Just earlier this week North Carolina passed the Marriage Protection Amendment which bans same-sex marriage in the state. Since apparently two people of the same- sex getting married threatens the sanctity of marriage. Already Fox News has accused President Obama of declaring war on marriage. I guess the "War on Christmas" was not sufficient enough for him.

Now I will be the first to admit that I was shocked President Obama  publicly took a stance on Marriage Equality especially in the beginning of his reelection campaign. I always knew that he would take this position but I thought he would do so if and after he won his second term. Some people may argue that he is making a mistake because he is alienating voters but I believe he was doing more of a disservice to more people by not taking a stance on this fundamental right. At first I was a little weary about what it would mean for his campaign that he publicly supports same-sex marriage. Then the more I thought about it, the more I was in awe of his decision. If this is the direction he will be taking his campaign with these types of bold declarations, I am excited and honored to be being able to bare witness to what will be an interesting election to say the least. It is a brave stance to take and one that will not come without repercussions.

 I have seen the hate, I have heard the hate but I never understood the hate. Maybe it is a good thing that I will never understand it because never in my right mind would I vote for an amendment or proposal that will deny rights to a certain group of people. Nor will I be so much of a coward to attack someone because they were different than me. If you strip away all of our differences we are all nothing more than flesh and blood. Why focus so much on the differences?

Countries Where Same-Sex Marriages are Legally Recognized and  Shocker the World Did Not End

  • Argentina
  • Belgium
  • Canada
  • Iceland
  • The Netherlands
  • Norway
  • Portugal
  • South Africa
  • Spain
  • Sweden


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