Can I get fear-mongering for $1,000?

We are less than three weeks away from the Mid-Term Elections in the United States. There is a lot at stake this elections for both parties. It is possible that the Republicans can win the Senate. Which means that they would be in control of the House and the Senate. Both parties are in full campaign mode. There are also few Governor races taking place as well. The one in Florida gained nationwide coverage over a bizarre debate that took place last night. Where the candidates( I kid you not) had a disagreement over a fan. Regardless of whom you vote for, it is important to exercise your right to vote.

It would be great if there were more positive tactics to winning an election. Instead of smearing the name of the other candidate, you could just ran a better campaign. A campaign that highlights your strength and your leadership. I am not surprised that several campaigns have chosen to use the recent Ebola Outbreak to stream votes. It is disheartening but not surprising. Historically, campaigns have used this strategy to rally up the troops(talking about voters) to the voting booth. There are some politicians calling for there to be a travel ban to those countries impacted by the most by the Ebola virus. I have one question, does this travel ban include aid as well? These countries are in desperate need of aid particularly medical aid. Instead of calling for a travel ban, you could help raise funds to prevent Ebola from spreading. I don't oppose precautions being taken. I believe that extra screenings should be made. I will even endorse testing passengers. I just know that a complete travel ban would do more harm. There is no need  to panic because the US does have the tools to contain the virus.

I remember when I first heard about Thomas Eric Duncan, I admit I felt anger. I thought to myself, "great, just what Liberia needs more bad press". I realize now that was a selfish thought. Here was a man that had tested positive for Ebola and I was blaming him. He was fighting for his life and I resented him. I am ashamed of my thoughts. I remember when I heard about the two health care workers that had tested positive to Ebola. I remember how my heart sunk. If the allegations prove to be true about how Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital handled Mr. Duncan's case, there is a strong likelihood that there will be more cases. They were unprepared for an Ebola patient.

In Other News
It was announced today that nearly 100 British army medics arrived in Sierra Leone to help fight the Ebola outbreak. This is welcoming news for a nation that has lost over a thousand lives to the deadly virus. I wonder if any other country would follow suit.


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