Sunday Comes Afterwards

So I have joined tumblr and its awesome but that is not the story here. All over tumblr were gifs of Rebecca Black and i was wondering what the deal was. So because I am a curious being I decided to watch Rebecca Black's video "Friday". i have never cried so much in my life...from laughter. I don't know who wrote this song but it is quote worthy.
tomorrow is Saturday and Sunday comes afterward.

Seriously I don't know if this is a real video. If it is a real music video I'm going to feel awful for laughing. I mean tears were coming out of my eyes and its 4 in the morning so i can't really laugh the way i want to. I just don't know if it is real. I mean it can't be. It has to be a parody, it can't be real. If it is real, I'm speechless. If I wrote this song I would never release it, I mean I wrote better songs when I was three. But it is worth a look it is hilarious and it is already infamous.


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