Accountability: Time to Man Up
One thing I have learnt in my short 23 years on the planet is there is no male accountability. This statement might confuse or seem ludicrous to some folks, accountability what do you mean? What I mean by this is really quite simple, men do not have any accountability for their actions especially with regards to women. It is one of the great privileges that come with being a man. Boys will be boys! You know what men are like? Actually I don't and i don't think its fair to keep on babying them. When they commit a horrendous crime against a female it is usually the female who is blamed. She asked for it. Did you see what she was wearing? She invited him to her house. Why did you make me so angry? Do any of these statements look familiar? It takes away the blame from the man and places it solely on the female. Whole idea of boys will be boys makes it appear that innately men are aggressive and have a large sex drive. In nature both male and females are equally aggressive and have similar sex drives. The human society has constructed the myth that males experience these emotions a lot more than females. If a female is aggressive she is a bitch and if she enjoys sex she is a slut. In the world that we live in it is up to the female to stop acts like rape and domestic violence from happening. If they do occur then she really was not a true victim because she do not do everything in her power to stop it. It really is messed up if you think about it. You might wonder what caused my sudden outburst. Well I caught a story on a blog that really startled me.
It was reported that a 14 year old girl in Bangladesh was found guilty of adultery and was lashed to death. The most troubling part of this story is that she was being abused by her cousin who was three times her age. It was a case of abuse not adultery. Her parents first reported the abuse but were told by the village elders to drop the matter. The abuse continued until the wife of the cousin caught him in the act. The wife beat up the girl and reported her to the elders. The girl was sentenced to 101 lashes for committing adultery and died after the 70 lash. Her cousin was also sentenced to lashes but was able to escape. Thinking about it she should not have even been trailed for being molested by her cousin. The United Nations estimates that almost half of Bangladeshi women are subjected to rape, domestic abuse, beatings, acid attacks and death due to the patriarchal system in place.
It was reported that a 14 year old girl in Bangladesh was found guilty of adultery and was lashed to death. The most troubling part of this story is that she was being abused by her cousin who was three times her age. It was a case of abuse not adultery. Her parents first reported the abuse but were told by the village elders to drop the matter. The abuse continued until the wife of the cousin caught him in the act. The wife beat up the girl and reported her to the elders. The girl was sentenced to 101 lashes for committing adultery and died after the 70 lash. Her cousin was also sentenced to lashes but was able to escape. Thinking about it she should not have even been trailed for being molested by her cousin. The United Nations estimates that almost half of Bangladeshi women are subjected to rape, domestic abuse, beatings, acid attacks and death due to the patriarchal system in place.