Four Years of Awesomeness

Four years ago in Tasmania

I would like to take the time to celebrate a huge milestone in my blogging career. This week makes it officially four years since I posted my first blog post. I did not know what to expect or where my journey of blogging would take me. My senior year had just began and I had just come from a fabulous study aboard in Australia. There was so much uncertainty about my future, what I was going to be doing  and where I was going to be at. I needed a personal space where I could be me and the uncertainties would cease to be.  If  a girl friend of mine had not suggested that I create a blog, Confessions may never have been born.

When I first started blogging I admit that there were some things I was a little to eager to share and that I was not too open about other things. Just like any other form of writing, it takes a few tries until you find your voice. I am happy to report that my voice is nice and strong. Here is to four more years of awesomeness. Lets see what craziness I will concoct. Feel free to tell me what you enjoy most about my posts. The more feedback the more likely I can continue to entertain you.


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