Instant Crushes

I am always striving for excellence and my time in the blogsphere has been no different. In my five years of blogging, I have learnt one of the secrets of a successful blog is being true to yourself. I have also learnt that growth is essential to the craft of writing. I learn the most from studying my peers and today I want to highlight these amazing creative women. I admire their work and I have developed instant crushes( Instagram) on them. Make sure you follow them on Instagram and check out their websites. You will not be disappointed.

Carin Olsson
Instagram: @parisinfourmonths

Linda Lomelino
Instagram: @linda_lomelino

Nicole Warne
Instagram: @garypeppergirl

Sonya Khegay
Instagram: @cupofherbaltea

Rosie- The Londoner
Instagram: @rosielondoner

Jessie Webster
Instagram: @sweetthingblog


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