Where do you find strength?

control lies in the balance point between rage and serenity. Professor X
We are all born with great power. Some choose to fan the flames while others choose to hose them down. If you do choose to hose your power please reconsider. The world will be a far more better place with people who feed their beast within. If you can find the balance between your rage and your serenity you can accomplish all you seek in life. That is just some food for thought.

I was recently told that I am not as strong as I think I am. That I am nothing but an ice cube that melts in the sun. At the moment rage consumed my body and all I could hear were the words echoing in my ears. I felt a tiny rose thorn puncture my heart as my joy bleed from my body. It took me awhile to figure out why I was so affected by that one comment. It has been days and that comment is haunting me. Maybe it is because my strength is what keeps me going. If I was not a strong person, I would not be able to deal with all that life throws at me. It is not just the physical strength that is important to me but my emotional and mental strength. I look at all that life has dealt me and think to myself only a powerful being could walk through that without any scars. People have the tendencies to judge your character on fractures of your personality. They do not know who you are nor what you are capable of. So from their looking glass they think they have the right to decide just how strong you are. That is never the case. Only you hold the keys to your power and  from my personal experience we are all stronger than we can imagine.

I have always feared my strength because I did not know where it would take me. I often shied away from negative emotions because of fear of losing myself. Thinking about it it is beautiful yet frightening to experience losing oneself in an emotion. Now that I realize that experiencing  negative emotions like rage or sadness are  not a bad thing. It is how your harness those feelings. If you let it consume you, you have lost your power but if you control them, no one can touch you.


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