Don't freaking tell me what to do

Nothing gets my blood boiling and heart pounding than people telling me what to do.  I am not talking about orders or directions that your boss or teacher may give you. I am talking about people trying to dictate what I should do with my life because they know what is best. I am talking about people who try to make you feel bad about the decisions you make because it is not the "right" thing to do, according to them. Everyone has an opinion about how I should live my life and luckily for me they have no qualms in sharing it with me. Well opinions are like assholes, everyone has them but some are full of more shit than others. Honestly, I do not care what you have say. Nobody asked you! Life is a journey and everyone has their own path to take. When you are spending time looking at someone else path you stumble on your own. So do me a favor and stick to your own path. We are born alone and we die alone, so mind your own damn business.


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