Socially Tapped Out

Everywhere I go there seems to be a new social network or a new electronic popping up with promises of delivering news faster and keeping you more in touch with friends or in most cases strangers. What I realized with every new iPhone or new update on Facebook is we are getting further apart from each other. We are  no longer able to connect with people on an emotional level but only on a superficial one. Call me old fashion but I miss the days of long  hand written letters and phone calls being made from the home phone. I miss the days when people's lives were not put on full display one click away. I miss they days when people used to call you to check on you instead of sending you texts. There is only so much you can write in a text. I long for the days when you life was not over if you were disconnected from the internet for an hour. People are never in the now. It is one big show of look how fabulous my life is. If it was so fabulous you would barely have time to report it you would be out living it. Yet it seems like somehow people have just become lazy when it comes maintaining relationships. I am officially socially tapped out. Just a few hours ago I deactivated my Facebook account because I just could not do it anymore. I don't see myself reactivating my account this year, maybe next year or maybe never. Who knows how I will be feeling by the end of this year. All i know is that I will continue to blog because I love it.


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