The Absurdity of Being a Fangirl

The time has finally arrived for me to post my first videolog. It has long been overdue but I am excited to share it with y'all. Before you watch the video I have a confession to make, I am a fangirl. Now that is off my chest I can explain to y'all what possessed me do this video. For a long time I thought I was the only one who had these all consuming feelings for fictional characters. When I discovered Tumblr last year, I realized that not only was I not alone but there were hundreds of people who were more crazed than I was. It was a refreshing feeling. I have decided to do a video about the dilemmas that happens when you are a fangirl. It is a bit tongue in cheek. Below you will find terms that I will be using in the video. These are terms that average person will not understand, so I have created a little cheat sheet for y'all. Let me know what you think about my video log. If you like it there is a good chance that this will be the first of many.
  • Fangirl: Is a female fan who is obsessed with television show, film, book or actor. They usually are hard core fan of a particular character or SHIP
  • SHIP: Is a shorten form for romantic relationship. To ship means that you endorse a romantic relationship. In other words you are rooting for these two characters to end up together. 
  • OTP: Stands for one true pairing. An OTP is used to describe a couple that the fandom ships hardcore. 
  • MY BODY IS READY: is a phrase used to humorously convey one's excitement or anticipation for an event or desirable object 
  • I'M IN A GLASS CASE OF EMOTIONS:  Originated from the cult classic Anchorman. It is used by fangirls to describe when they are experiencing very hurtful or terrifying feelings and are unable to escape them. 


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